I'm still working on this drawing but I have put it in the plan chest for a few days. I will come back to it when the boys have gone back to school after Easter and the house is quiet again.
Here is its story to date...
The drawing I am working on at the moment is now called The Crow Fair.
9th March 2015 -
13th March 2015 - It's unplanned & unnamed, so it's interesting for me to see how it develops and at what stage ideas kick in.
14th March 2015 - It has now become 'The Crow Fair' I kept this central field blank with the idea there'd be some event there, I'd thought about crows as I often put them in my drawings, but the Fair came after I'd drawn all the buildings. I decided I wanted the figures to be kind of magical realist too, rather than just human.
18th March 2015 - Today we found an unexpected visitor making his way to the Crow Fair. I hope to finish populating the drawing today and start with colour tomorrow.
20th March 2015 - Starting colour today. Karen has kindly labelled these for me to help with my colour-blindness.
23rd March - Continuing to add the first layer of colour today, being very careful not to smudge, letting it dry before adding the next layers....quite nerve wracking....

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