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"How to draw ... anything" for The Guardian

Following the publication of the Fill-me-in book, Moose was asked to create a piece for the Guardian's 'How To Draw...' series. We've all had those "I don't know what to draw" moments (either as parents or artists!), so Moose has devised a simple process to get you started without really having to have an idea. He has run several workshops in schools suggesting a way get over the fear of the blank sheet of paper and adapted the workshop as the basis of the Guardian piece.
The piece got loads of hits, (second only to their 'How to draw the Beatles' piece), so we were chuffed to bits with the response.  We also received some lovely comments back from people inspired to get out a pen as a result.
You can see the sequences of images below, or view the whole piece on the Guardian Website.
If you like this you may also like our Fill-me-in Book, copies are available from our website signed and doodled by Moose.

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