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The Hive Mind of Twitter

It's a year since my Lost Lectures talk on The Hive Mind of Twitter.

Many people who read this bog will have come to it via Twitter where I am, let us say, an 'active' citizen. However, it is my contention that Twitter can be a marvellous place and that if you spend time there you shape it to suit you.

One of the great joys is the opportunity it provides for spontaneous creative endeavours or the sharing of stories. Back in May 2012 I tweeted about a made up game we had played at my son's 7th birthday. This spawned a whole slew of truly wonderful made up games and childhood memories. On these occasions I tend to gather as many of these tweets as possible over on twitter adjunct Storify (where you can read many of these Family Games. I promise you they are a delight, sometimes hilarious, other times incredibly touching, and several are a tribute to the silliness and wonderfulness of dads at play.)

Anyway, this blog is called the Hive Mind of Twitter because I used this lovely couple of hours on Twitter, the sharing of family games, as the basis for a talk that I gave later that month at the amazing Union Chapel in Islington, London [a terribly constructed sentence, sorry]. My 15 minute talk formed part of the brilliant Lost Lectures series - highly recommended if you are within hoying distance one, or failing that all the talks are archived on the Lost Lectures website.

So, here is my talk on The Hive Mind of Twitter.

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