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Appearance - A Short Film

I made a brief appearance in a new Meat Bingo short, called… er… "Appearance".

Filmed at the recent book launch for Charlie Higson's latest novel, "The Sacrifice", at Exmouth Community College, the film integrates footage from the day (Charlie giving a speech, signing books, etc.) with dialogue specially written for the occasion by David Quantick.

We 'borrowed' Charlie (or Mr Higson as he was on the day, observing proper school protocols) for an hour after his busy day and threw him in at the deep end. Of course he was superb, grabbing the opportunity to turn in a great performance… as himself.

I have a small cameo at the end, not quite looking myself. I've recovered now.

The film also features a brilliant credit sequence by Jeremy Marshall and a score by the also brilliant Martin Carr.

You can watch it on vimeo here.

Or on Youtube here.

It's only about 3 minutes - enough time to boil an egg.


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