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Talking as a creative tool

Talking as a creative tool

When Joanna Pieters asked me if I'd like to be interviewed for her Creative Life podcast my immediate reaction was - no, I'd feel like a fraud! Joanna's podcast deals with those things that artists have to overcome: major obstacles, creative blocks and so on. Listening to other interviews only confirmed my view. Yes, Karen and I had given up our careers, thrown everything up in the air, moved out of London to Devon to try to make a creative life… but it was all self inflicted! And although, yes, it had been hard, it felt like these were just the kind of things that we all have to go through in life. I told her I probably had nothing very interesting to say.

But of course Joanna’s not the sort of person to just say “Oh, ok then”. She managed to convince me that others would find the story interesting, so I agreed after further encouragement. An I have to say I’m very glad I did. Joanna is charming, warm and great to talk to. I felt I could have rattled on for hours, in the end.

There’s another thing, and I used to emphasise this when I taught architecture at Diploma level: talking is a great way to (literally) realise your ideas. Sometimes you don’t really know what you think until you start speaking. Talking takes the nebulous notions that float around in your head and forces you to make them coherent. So you can learn an awful lot from talking, and if you’re a creative person I highly recommend talking as a CREATIVE TOOL.

I hope you enjoy the podcast.

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