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Bumble & Bee and Me

For ages I have had the urge to draw all over someone's walls. As I was never a graffitifier, this is probably just part of a mid-life crisis. So I was very excited when the owner of a new cafe/restaurant in Exmouth got in touch with an invitation to do just that. 

Debra Quine, owner of Bumble & Bee in Exmouth's Manor Gardens gave me free rein to doodle all over the freshly painted walls of the beautiful new interior. I was a bit nervous before making the first mark, but with one figure in place, the rest followed along fairly happily. 

Film maker of note Mr John Panton (Meat Bingo) was on hand to record proceedings so at some point we hope to have a short video to share with you.

Bumble & Bee, Manor Gardens, Alexandra Terrace, Exmouth, Devon, EX8 1BD

Opening 4 May 2013 

May 24, 2013

The mural is amazing every time I see it I find someone or something new waiting to be discovered.

May 04, 2013

how extraordinarily beautiful


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